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  • The Revolting Marketeer

Why you shouldn’t work with sh*te clients

Always try and win clients you like and respect - and who like and respect you.

Seems a simple statement and yet one which many find odd and retort, ‘if I should be so lucky’. However, the benefits and indeed the impact of not doing this is vast. In my mind this deems it a statement and a business strategy that any company (whatever the size) working in a B2B environment simply cannot afford to ignore.

Let me explain. A poor client (we all know them), are never happy, never do as you ask, always treat you like a supplier, you know... them... The impact they can make on your business is huge. Firstly, during all that extra management time they are reducing your profit, obviously the more time taken - the less money you make. Typically, no-one in your organisation likes dealing with them so they create unrest within your staff. They normally never pay you on time (another expense chasing them), never give you great testimonials or pass you referrals (you probably wouldn't ask, you don't want another one of them). So poor clients = waste of time and sometimes loss of money.

Now let’s look at a good client. They like you, they are easy to deal with, they pay on time, they give you great testimonials and are probably happy to refer others if you ask. They make your staff happy and things just seem so much easier. Equally you seem to get so much more done together as everyone is pulling in the same direction. The relationship works and is healthy.

Yes, I hear you say, but we need the business, whatever the client. Okay so have you ever thought what a good client looks like? Is there a common denominator? Is there a particular service or sector they come from? Could you win more and more of them and slowly, once defined, get rid of your poor clients?

Could you refuse to work with potential poor clients? Simply don't win them? Only target good clients? I believe that this, as simple as it is, can be the difference to a company growing and moving forward in leaps and bounds and a business struggling to grow as they are spending more and more time for less and less in unhealthy relationships.

Just a thought, but have you ever sat back and thought about it?

What would be the impact on your business if you did?

What would happen if you kissed less frogs?

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